Home Page - November Updates

Chris Green's 1979 Toronado
VIN 3Z57R9E103590

Chris says this about his car: "As I understand it, I am the third owner of the car. Before me, an Olds collector had it for about 12 years, and I think he bought it from the original owner.
The 1979 Toronado is one of my favorite E-bodies, with its 1-year-only front end styling with taller grille, and 1970s features like 8-track stereo, analog digital clock and chrome side view mirrors. The interior upholstery pattern is also unique to 1979-80. My car has the venerable Olds 350 V8, which was phased out after 1980. Other favorite features on my car are the steel top (vinyl top delete) which emphasizes the sharp edged styling of the roofline, the optional power glass Astroroof, and the color, which is called Russet Firemist and was an extra-cost TORONADO-ONLY option...not offered on other Oldsmobiles."
11/06/2012 -- October 18th was the second anniversary of our website and November is the beginning of the third year for it so I've made some changes.
11/01/2012 -- Working on and have changed the code due to the image being "squashed" on very large sceen size reolutions.
11/01/2012 -- October 18th was the second anniversary of our website and November is the beginning of the third year for it so I've made some changes.
- Most obvious is the addition of the Car of the Month. Click it to see a larger image. For the time being I will just pull a name out of a pile and chose a photo from the Facebook Group page and write the owner to see if he/she would want to be included. If you'd like to see your car highlighted then submit your favorite new or old photo and let me know.
- I've changed the background. This will help bring your focus of attention to the text or table and hopefully make it easier to read.
- Data pages with tables have been expanded with new tables and more empty cells filled in. There are more Data pages also.
- Links within the text to make it easier to see or find what I'm discussing.
- More photos through out the site with credits of the owner or person who contributed photos pop up when hovering over the photo. Sometimes the source is unknown.
- Some photos on the text pages are clickable and will show an enlarged version when clicked. These will have a double white border and the inner border will turn blue when hovering over it. Other photos with a black border are not clickable. This is because the original image is too small to enlarge. Reducing the size and keeping the quality is easier than increasing it.
- The footer seen on the bottom of this page has been put on most of the other pages. It includes the hit counter which has been zeroed and the Creative Commons License. The hit counter will tell me how many visitors come in the next two years. Having it on most pages lets me track which are popular and which are not.
- Use of the Creative Commons License. Click on the icon to the right of the notice to see what's required if you use material from the site. It's pretty basic, just give me or the website credit, don't use it commercially, and share it with the same license even if you change it.
- And finally, I've been told that the site is too impersonal, too anonymous. So you'll see my name all over the site now, especially in bylines for the stuff I wrote. I'm also crediting contributors on the page where their material is placed. It will be more meaningful than just mentioning them on the update and Credits page, even though that won't change. If you want to see your name on here it's easy... just contribute something!